The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc., Incorporated, is a Christian church in the Oneness Pentecostal tradition. The church is episcopal in governance. The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ was founded as an ecclesiastical corporation under the statutes of the non-profit corporation laws of the United States. The purpose of the founding of the corporation was to provide an Ecclesiastical Body where all churches could feel free to worship God and where all churches would have representations on all levels. The founder & Presiding Bishop G. M. Boone started with 7 Churches and currently there are 259 Churches worldwide. From the beginning, the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ had a set goal and purpose to its very existence in order to exalt the name of Jesus Christ. The organization's headquarters is located in Detroit, MI.
The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. is a predominantly African-American Pentecostal Christian denomination. Founded on March 20, 1970, by Presiding Bishop G.M. Boone. The Meeting was held at the New Liberty Apostolic Faith Church in Detroit, Michigan. When founded, The A. A. of C. had 7 Churches & 3 States namely:
**The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ was named by Pastor Parilee Mitchell.
The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ teaches and preaches the baptism by both water and fire: the baptism is in the name of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
BISHOP NATHANIEL D. JORDAN, D.D. ~ Financial Secretary
Ecclesiastical Structure
The leadership of the AAofC consists of a Presiding Bishop and a Board of Bishops. The board also includes emeritus bishops who once served but are either semi or fully retired. Under the oversight of the Board of Bishops are geographical units called Councils. Councils correspond to state or national boundaries and each council is headed by a Diocesan Bishop, who is appointed by the Board of Bishops. A diocesan bishop can have assistants, called Jurisdictional Bishops. These Jurisdictional Bishops hold only the authority given them by the Diocesan Bishop. Typically they will have authority over a region or part of a state. Reporting under the Jurisdictional Bishop are District Elders, who oversee and assist the elders in his district.
Current Councils
Michigan State Council /Bishop Marvin D. Mitchell – Diocesan Bishop
Central District Council /Bishop Nathaniel D. Jordan, D.D. – Diocesan Bishop
Southern District Council /Bishop W.T. Walton, Jr. – Diocesan Bishop
Illinois-Indiana District Council /Bishop William L. Harris, Sr., D.D. – Diocesan Bishop
Eastern District Council /Bishop Ernest Clay, D. Min. - Diocesan Bishop
Gulf State Council /Bishop Arthur Earl Newman, B. Th. – Diocesan Bishop
Tennessee Carolina Council /Bishop Isaac Williams, D. Min. – Diocesan Bishop
Texas State Council /Bishop Paul Bell – Diocesan Bishop
Women in Ministry are recognized and widely accepted. Women are given liberty to function as Licensed Ministers, Ordained Evangelist, and Pastors. They can also hold Council & National Offices. However, according to the by-laws they cannot hold the Episcopal ranks of District Elder, Suffragan Bishop, or Bishop.
Auxiliary Departments
INTERNATIONAL APOSTOLIC WOMEN - Dr. Thelma Sorrells, Chairlady
NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD - District Elder Dr. Olgen Williams, Chairman
NATIONAL FOREIGN MISSIONS - Sister C. Jeanette Carter, Chairlady
NATIONAL HOME MISSIONS - Pastor Dr. Christine Grant, Chairlady
NATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL - District Elder Terrance Mickens, Superintendent
NATIONAL YOUNG PEOPLE’S AUXILIARY - Elder Mark Moore, Jr., President
Auxiliary Bishops
Bishop Arthur Earl Newman, B. Th. - National Home Mission
Bishop Nathaniel D. Jordan, D.D. - International Apostolic Women
Bishop Arthur Cohens - National Brotherhood
Bishop Richard L. Brown - National Missionary
Bishop Johnny L. Davis - National Sunday School
Bishop Isaac Williams, D. Min. - National Young People
A. A. of C. Calendar of Events
March- Mid-Winter Pastors & Workers Convention
April- National Youth Convention
July- Annual National Convention Normally held in various cities across the United States
Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith - Mother denomination of the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ. Bishop Boone was Ordained Elder by Bishop S. N. Hancock, served as District Elder & Chairman of the Michigan State Council, and was elevated to the office of Bishop against his own objections.