Apex (band)
Apex was a Polish heavy metal, hard rock and progressive rock band. It was started in 1980, in Prudnik.History
The band was formed in 1980 in Prudnik. It performed mostly hard rock songs and ballads. It was considered to be one of the best rock bands in Opole Voivodeship. In 1986 the band won the Polskie Radio Program III eliminations to the "Śpiewajmy Poezję" contest in Olsztyn. In 1987 the band performed at the Drrrama festival in Pruszcz Gdański. It was dissolved in 1988.Personnel
- Grzegorz Panek – vocals
- Mariusz Lewicz – guitar
- Ireneusz Raczyk – guitar
- Zbigniew Towarnicki – bass guitar
- Krzysztof Robotycki – drums
Former members
- Józef Kotyś – vocals
- Norbert Mletzko – guitar
- Zbigniew Ociepka – drums
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DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy
Period = from:1980 till:1988
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ScaleMajor = increment:2 start:1980
ScaleMinor = increment:2 start:1981
Colors =
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id:Gitara value:green legend:Guitar
id:Gitara_basowa value:blue legend:Bass
id:Perkusja value:purple legend:Drums
BarData =
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bar:Panek text:"Grzegorz Panek"
bar:Mletzko text:"Norbert Mletzko"
bar:Lewicz text:"Mariusz Lewicz"
bar:Raczyk text:"Ireneusz Raczyk"
bar:Ociepka text:"Zbigniew Ociepka"
bar:Robotycki text:"Krzysztof Robotycki"
bar:Towarnicki text:"Zbigniew Towarnicki"
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bar:Mletzko from: 01/01/1980 till: 01/01/1986 color:gitara
bar:Lewicz from: 01/01/1980 till: 01/01/1988 color:gitara
bar:Raczyk from: 01/01/1986 till: 01/01/1988 color:gitara
bar:Ociepka from: 01/01/1980 till: 01/01/1986 color:perkusja
bar:Robotycki from: 01/01/1986 till: 01/01/1988 color:perkusja
bar:Towarnicki from: 01/01/1980 till: 01/01/1988 color:gitara_basowa