Anton Rzehak
Anton Rzehak was a Moravian geologist, paleontologist and prehistorian.
He studied chemistry and geology at the University of Technology in Brünn, where from 1880 to 1884, he worked as an assistant to Alexander Makowsky. In 1883 the two men published a geological map on the environs of Brünn.
From 1884 to 1905 he taught classes in chemistry and natural history at a secondary school in Brünn, and in the meantime, obtained an associate professorship for paleontology and applied geography. In 1905 he was named chair of mineralogy and geology at the technology university in Brünn.
The foraminifer genus Rzehakina bears his name.
In Gabon, for example, the Last Apparition Date of fossil foraminifer Rzehakina epigona marks a point in time very close to the end of the Paleocene epoch, making it a biostratigraphically important species.- Neue entdeckte prähistorische Begräbnissstätten bei Mönitz in Mähren, 1879 - Newly discovered prehistoric burial sites in Mönitz.
- , 1888 - The Pleistocene conch fauna of Moravia.
- Über einige merkwürdige Foraminiferen aus dem österreichischen Tertiär, 1895 - On some unusual foraminifera from the Austrian Tertiary.
- Die Tertiärformation in der Umgebung von Nikolsburg in Mähren, 1902 - The Tertiary formation in the environs of Nikolsburg.
- Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadtl in Mähren, 1904 - The Lias occurrence at Freistadtl.
- Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bronzezeit in Mähren, 1906 - On the Bronze Age in Moravia.
- Zur Kenntnis der neolithischen Keramik Mährens, 1909 - On Neolithic ceramics of Moravia.
- Das Mährische Tertiär, 1922 - The Moravian Tertiary.