Anthospermeae is a tribe of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae and contains 208 species in 12 genera. Its representatives are found in the Southern Hemisphere. At least two genera, namely Coprosma and Galopina are anemophilous.Genera
Currently accepted names
- Anthospermum L.
- Carpacoce Sond.
- Coprosma J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Durringtonia R.J.F.Hend. & Guymer
- Galopina Thunb.
- Leptostigma Arn.
- Nenax Gaertn.
- Nertera Banks ex Sol.
- Normandia Hook.f.
- Opercularia Gaertn.
- Phyllis L.
- Pomax Sol. ex DC.
- Ambraria Cruse = Nenax
- Ambraria Heist. ex Fabr. = Anthospermum
- Bupleuroides Moench = Phyllis
- Caprosma G.Don = Coprosma
- Corynula Hook.f. = Leptostigma
- Cryptospermum Young = Opercularia
- Cunina C.Gay = Nertera
- Erythrodanum Thouars = Nertera
- Eurynome DC. = Coprosma
- Gomozia Mutis ex L.f. = Nertera
- Lagotis E.Mey. = Carpacoce
- Marquisia A.Rich. ex DC. = Coprosma
- Nobula Adans. = Phyllis
- Oxyspermum Eckl. & Zeyh. = Galopina
- Pelaphia Banks & Sol. ex A.Cunn. = Coprosma
- Peratanthe Urb. = Nertera
- Rubioides Sol. ex Gaertn. = Opercularia