Anthony Levatino

Anthony Levatino is a pro-life obstetrician/gynecologist. He formerly served as a professor and Student and Residency program director at Albany Medical Center. At the time of his graduation from medical school, he was adamantly pro-choice and later performed over one thousand abortions. However, after his daughter was struck and killed by a car in 1984, he changed his views on abortion. He is well known for his interviews on abortion, as well as his testimony to congress on abortion procedures.


Dr. Anthony Levatino graduated with a medical degree from Albany Medical College in 1976.
Levatino and his wife attempted to conceive a child without success, and they consequently adopted a young girl, Heather. During the adoption process, Levatino's wife got pregnant with a baby boy. After the family adopted Heather, Levatino continued to perform abortions. Two months prior to Heather's sixth birthday, she was struck and killed by a car. After this event, Levatino had difficulty performing abortions.
He stopped doing second and third trimester abortions, and eventually stopped them completely. In his career, he performed over 1,200 abortions.