In rhetoric, anthimeria or antimeria, is using one part of speech as another, such as using a noun as a verb: "The little old lady turtled along the road." In linguistics, this is called conversion; when a noun becomes a verb, it is a denominal verb, when a verb becomes a noun, it is a deverbal noun. In English, many nouns have become verbs. For example, the noun "book" is now often used as a verb, as in the example "Let's book the flight". Other noun-as-verb usages include "I can keyboard that for you," "We need toscissor expenses," and "Desk him." Other substitutions could include an adjective used as a noun, as in "She dove into the foaming wet," interjection as verb, as in "Don't aha me!" a verb as a noun, as in "Help! I need some eat!" and so on.
Me, dictionary-ing heavily, "Where was the one they were watching?"
Anthimeria is common in English. For example, 'chill' was originally a noun, a synonym for 'cold'. It has become a verb and, with the "-ly" ending, an adjective. Most recently, 'chill' has become a verb, meaning roughly 'to relax'. An early example of this usage is in The Sugarhill Gang's 1979 hit 'Rapper's Delight': "There's... a time to break and a time to chill/ To act civilized or act real ill".
A more unusual case of anthimeria is displayed not through a change in lexical category but a change in form altogether. The punctuation mark '/' was originally used to juxtapose related words or phrases, such as a 'friend/roommate', meaning that the referred person is both a friend and a roommate. The symbol '/' is often pronounced 'slash', and now often used as a kind of conjuction or conjunctive adverb: "emergence of a new conjunction/conjunctive adverb is like a rare-bird sighting inthe world of linguistics: an innovation in the slang of young people embedding itself as a function word in the language". The meaning of "slash" or '/' has evolved into multiple contextual uses, including the "distinguishing between the activity that the speaker or writer was intending to do or should have been doing, and the activity that the speaker or writer actually did or anticipated they would do...". 'Slash' has been used to "link a second related thought or clause to the first" as well as simply "introduc an afterthought that is also a topic shift". A few examples include: