Since 2004, she has written a popular eponymous blog, posting photographs and commentary on law, politics, and popular culture. In September 2006, Althouse sparked controversy in the blogosphere by publishing an entry on her blog under the title "Let's take a closer look at those breasts" that accused feminist blogger Jessica Valenti of wearing "a tight knit top that draws attention to her breasts" while posing for a picture with former president Bill Clinton.
Political views
Althouse has said that she is pro-choice and opposes overruling Roe v. Wade, but has said that she "do in fact think abortion is wrong. I think most Americans agree with me and think it's wrong, but not the role of government to police." Althouse voted for George W. Bush in 2004 and Barack Obama in 2008. In January 2009, remarking about Obama, she wrote: "He really is a solid, normal person who remained grounded in the middle of all this craziness. And I like to think that, now that he's President, with his steely nerve, his intelligence, and his groundedness, he'll do the job that must be done. The trickery is over."
Personal life
In 2009, Althouse announced her engagement to Laurence Meade, a commenter she had met through the blog. The story attracted coverage in the blogosphere and in The New York Times. Althouse and Meade were married in August 2009. It is Althouse's second marriage; she has two adult sons from her first marriage.
The Use of Conspiracy Theory to Establish In Personam Jurisdiction: a Due Process Analysis, 52 Fordham L. Rev. 234
How to Build a Separate Sphere: Federal Courts and State Power, 100 Harv. L. Rev. 1485
The Misguided Search for State Interest in Abstention Cases: Observations on the Occasion of Pennzoil v. Texaco, 63 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1051
When to Believe a Legal Fiction: Federal Interests and the Eleventh Amendment, 40 Hastings L.J. 1123
The Humble and the Treasonous: Judge-Made Jurisdiction Law, 40 Case W. Res. L.Rev. 1035.
Standing, in Fluffy Slippers, 77 Va. L. Rev. 1177
Saying What Rights Are – In and Out of Context, 1991 Wis. L. Rev. 929
Tapping the State Court Resource, 44 Vand. L. Rev. 953
Beyond King Solomon's Harlots: Women in Evidence, 65 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1265
Thelma & Louisa and the Law: Do Rape Shield Rules Matter? 25 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 757
Variations on a Theory of Normative Federalism: a Supreme Court Dialogue, 42 Duke L.J. 979
Who's to Blame for Law Reviews?, 70 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 81
The Lying Woman, The Devious Prostitute, and Other Stories from the Evidence Casebook, 88 Nw. U. L. Rev. 914.
Time For the Federal Courts to Enforce the Guarantee Clause? A Response to Professor Chemerinsky, 65 U. Colo. L. Rev. 881
Federalism, Untamed, 47 Vand. L. Rev. 1207
Late Night Confessions in the Hart & Wechsler Hotel, 47 Vand. L. Rev. 993
Federal Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Federal Rights: Can Congress Bring Back the Warren Era? 20 Law & Social Inquiry 1067.
Enforcing Federalism after United States v. Lopez, 38 Arizona L. Rev. 793
The Alden Trilogy: Still Searching for a Way to Enforce Federalism, 31 Rutgers L.J. 631
On Dignity and Deference: The Supreme Court's New Federalism, 68 U. Cin. L. Rev. 245
Inside the Federalism Case, 574 Annals of the Am. Acad. 132
Why Talking about States Rights Cannot Avoid the Need for Normative Federalism Analysis, 51 Duke L. J. 363
Electoral College Reform: Deja Vu, 95 Nw. U. L. Rev. 993
The Authoritative Lawsaying Power of the State Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court: Conflicts of Judicial Orthodoxy in the Bush-Gore Litigation, 61 Md. L. Rev. 508
The Vigor of the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine in Times of Terror, 69 Brook. L. Rev. 1231
Vanguard States, Laggard States: Federalism and Constitutional Rights, 152 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1745
Chief Justice Rehnquist and the Search for Judicially Enforceable Federalism, 10 Tex. Rev. of L & Pol. 275