Animals & Society Institute

The Animals & Society Institute is an American non-profit scholarly organization that works to expand knowledge about human-animal relationships, develop knowledge and resources in the field of human-animal studies, and create resources to address the relationship between animal cruelty and other forms of violence.

Personnel and advisors

The ASI is staffed by Ivy Collier, Lisa Lunghofer, Gala Argent and Daniel Earle. It has a board made up of John Thompson, Anne Elizabeth Hirky, Kenneth Shapiro, Petra Pepellashi, Beatrice Friedlander, Kristin Stewart, Elan Abrell, and Gail Luciani.


The ASI publishes three journals and a book series.

''Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science''

The Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science is a quarterly journal which is published by Taylor & Francis with sponsorship from the ASI. It has been publishing since 1999, and is presently edited by Kenneth J. Shapiro.

''Society & Animals''

Society & Animals: Journal of Human-Animal Studies is a peer reviewed bi-monthly journal co-published by Brill with sponsorship from the ASI. It has been publishing since 1993, and its founding and current editor is Kenneth Shapiro. The journal is in its 26th year and currently publishes 6 issues per volume. In 2017, S&A received 81,000 full text downloads.
Special sections that have appeared in Society & Animals include Animal Theory and Political Animal. Special issues that the journal has published include:
Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal for work by current and recent undergraduates that has been published by the ASI since 2015. Its current editor is the philosopher Joel MacClellan.

HAS Book Series

The HAS Book Series is published by Brill, and was one of the first academic book series focused on animal studies. It is edited by Kenneth Shapiro, with an editorial board made up of Ralph Acampora, Hilda Kean, Randy Malamud, Gail Melson and Leslie Irvine. As of 2016, it has published 18 volumes, including both monographs and edited collections. Titles published to date: