Animal Planet Zooventure

Animal Planet Zooventure is an American children's television game show which originally broadcast on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel from March 31, 1997 to 2000. The show was taped in the San Diego Zoo, and was hosted by J. D. Roth. In the show, four child contestants competed in a series of wild animal games, for the grand prize which is to be a zookeeper for a day. The show was split into two halves and ended with a final round.

First season format

First half

The first two contestants played three games.
The player with the most points wins the first half and goes on to the final round. If the game is tied, a final round typed question was played. The winner of that round is the overall winner. That player has to then sit in chair to wait for the winner of next half.

Second half

Two more players competed in the second half of the show. With three more games played.
The player with the most points wins the second half and goes on to the final round.

Final round

This was played like Scrabble's Speedword and Wheel of Fortune's Toss-up. For in this round, the winners of the main rounds were shown a series of mystery animal names. Letters in each word reveal one at a time approximately one second at a time in order from left to right while host Roth read a clue to that word. The first player to buzz-in has a chance to guess. A correct answer scored a point, while an incorrect answer gave the opposing player a bonus letter and clue, as well as a free guess. An incorrect answer on a steal keeps the word going. The round lasts for 60 seconds, and the player with the most points when time runs out wins. If the round ended in a tie, one last puzzle was played. The winning player won grand prizes as well as most of all, Zookeeper for a day at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

Audience Game

If there's extra time at the end of the show, J.D. goes into the audience, and gave audience members the opportunity to correctly answer the question for prizes.

Second season format

First half

The first two contestants compete in the following three games.
Two more players once again compete in the following three games.
The winners of the main rounds competed in a race through an obstacle course with the first player to cross the finish line winning grand prizes and of course zookeeper for a day.