Angela Wigger

Angela Wigger is a political economist at the Political Science Department at the Radboud University in the Netherlands.
Her current research focuses on analyzing the global economic crisis, crisis responses and political challenges to these responses. The EU's "competitiveness" fetish, the issue of debt and over-indebtedness within finance-led accumulation structures, and how the crisis is politicised in the EU constitutes a focal point.
Angela Wigger has conducted extensive research on capitalist restructuring of postwar Europe, industrial relations and the neoliberalisation of EU competition regulation, and financialisation processes. She is the co-author of The Politics of European Competition Regulation. A Critical Political Economy Perspective, with H. Buch-Hansen , and she has published amongst others in journals such as New Political Economy, Review of International Political Economy, the Journal of Common Market Studies, New Political Sciences, Capital & Class, Journal of European Integration, Comparative European Politics, Economy & Society and the Journal of International Relations and Development and Globalizations.
She has worked at the Political Science Department at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam from 2003-2007, where she obtained her PhD. Her dissertation was titled 'Competition for Competitiveness. The Politics of Transformation of the EU Competition Regime' – with Prof. dr. Henk Overbeek and Prof. dr. Andreas Nölke as supervisors. She received a master's degree from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
She appears in Dutch and international media regularly.

