Andrei Vartic
Andrei Vartic was a writer, physicist, and politician from Moldova.Biography
Andrei Vartic graduated from Moldova State University in 1971. He was a founder of the Democratic Movement of Moldova and served as member of the Parliament of Moldova. He was the founder and the director of the magazines "Quo Vadis", "Fără Machiaj", and "Dava International".
On June 10, he became the first Vice-President of the Democratic Forum of Romanians in Moldova. He was Program director at Vocea Basarabiei.Awards
- Andrei Vartic received post mortem the "Valeriu Cupcea" Prize from Boris Focşa in 2009.
- Cealaltă Românie, 2007
- Întrebarea cu privire la paleoinformatică, 2006
- Arhelologia paravanului de la Ripiceni - Izvor, 2003
- Purificarea istoriei din oglinda scenei, 2002
- O istorie geometrică a lui Homo Sapiens, 2000
- Variaţiuni pe o temă de Levi-Strauss, 2000
- Rolist Eneas Ner Eneat, 1999
- Weg und WWW. A Portret of the World with Heidegger, 1999
- Kobayashi against Basho, 1999
- Introducere la pictură, 1998
- Drumul spre Kogaionon, 1998
- Magistralele tehnologice ale civilizaţiei dacice, 1997
- Fierul-Piatra, Dacii-Timpul, 1997
- Catastrofa eliberării, 1996
- Ospeţele Nemuririi, 1994
- Paravanul dintre actor şi rol,1980
- Ion, 1976
- Scrisori din Bizanţ, 1975
- Arta iubirii, 1974
- Pod peste fluviu, 1973
- Drum prin rime, 1972
Selected bibliography
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