Andréanne Lafond

Andréanne Lafond was a French-born Canadian journalist living and working in Quebec, best known as a host for Radio-Canada television.
She was born in Lyon and came to Quebec in 1948. She worked as script assistant for several Quebec films, including ', La Petite Aurore, l'enfant martyre, ' and . She joined Radio-Canada, where she worked closely with Judith Jasmin and René Lévesque and appeared on a number of public affairs programs such as Carrefour, Aujourd'hui, Format 30, Format 60 and Actualité 24. She was also host for the literary magazine Le trèfle à quatre feuilles. With Solange Chaput-Rolland, she founded and directed the magazine Points de vue which appeared from 1955 to 1961. From 1976 to 1983, she was co-host of the radio program La vie quotidienne. Lafond was among the pioneers who expanded the representation of women in journalism in the 1950s.
She also wrote a number of scripts for stories and dramas presented on radio and television.
Lafond received the Prix des communications du Québec in 1983 and the Olivar-Asselin Award in 1989.
She died in Montreal at the age of 92.