André Fuhrmann

André Fuhrmann is a Professor of Philosophy and Logic at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Early life and education

Fuhrmann studied at the University of Marburg and at the University of St Andrews, where in 1984, he earned his Master of Philosophy. He went to the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Australian National University and got his Ph.D. in 1988. Fuhrmanns Ph.D. thesis was on Relevance logic and Modal logic.
From 1989 to 2002 Fuhrmann worked at the University of Konstanz as a post-doc and research fellow. During that time he had several visiting positions at Indiana University Bloomington, Columbia University, and at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Fuhrmann had the position of a full professor of philosophy at the São Judas Tadeu University in São Paulo, Brazil from 2002 to 2006.
He was appointed a professor with a Chair of Theoretical Philosophy at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main in 2006. Moreover, he was additionally appointed Professor of Linguistics in 2009.

Research areas

André Fuhrmann has made contributions in Analytic philosophy, Relevance logic and Modal logic.
Fuhrmann is best known for his research on "belief revision" or "theory change", a field of formal epistemology with applications for artificial intelligence and cognitive science.
Fuhrmann also takes an interest in freshwater diatoms. Together with H. Lange-Bertalot he discovered, sampled and described new species in Brazil.

Awards and recognition