András Gerevich

András Gerevich poet, screenwriter and literary translator.


Gerevich grew up in Budapest, Dublin and Vienna. He graduated with a major in English Language and Literature and a minor in Aesthetics at the Eötvös University of Budapest. Later he was a Fulbright student at Dartmouth College in the United States, and received his third degree in screenwriting from the National Film and Television School in the UK. He now lives in Budapest, from 2006 to 2009 he was the president of József Attila Kör, the Hungarian Young Writers Association. He is also an editor of Kalligram, a monthly literary journal. He has published three books of poems in Hungarian, and a selection of his work has been translated into English by George Szirtes et al. His poems have been selected into several anthologies in a number of languages and published in journals and magazines. He is also the scriptwriter for short animation films. He has translated a number of English speaking poets and writers into Hungarian, including Seamus Heaney and the filmmaker David Lynch.



