Anatoly Eiramdzhan

Anatoliy Nikolaievich Eiramdzhan was a Russian-Armenian film director, producer and writer.


His father was Nikolay Nikolaevich Ter-Grigoryan, an accomplished teacher of music and the piano. Eiramdzhan was born in 1937 in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR.
Anatoliy Eiramdzhan's mother, whose surname was taken by Anatoliy, was Arevik Nikitichna Eiramdzhan - the grand daughter of the famous Armenian writer Ghazaros Aghayan.
In 1961 Eiramdzhan graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry.
In 1972 he completed a three-year program at the Screenplay branch of the High Course of Scriptwriters and Movie Directors. After graduating he began writing movie scripts.
Eiramdzhan was also the author of short comic stories. He was honored as a winner of the prestigious"Golden Calf award"from the"Literary Newspaper"for 1972 - 1973.
In 1989 Eiramdzhan began producing films from his own scripts. The film studio Noviy Odeon was formed in Moscow in 1992 by Eiramdzhan to focus on creating comedies. He also took on the responsibilities of screenwriter, art director and film director. During his career at Noviy Odeon, Eiramdzhan was responsible for the creation of twenty films.
In 1995 the publishing house Author, Inc. of Moscow published Eiramdzhan's first book, titled The Ladies' Man and Other Comedy Films.
Eiramdzhan's films consistently receive very high ratings and have large theatre and TV audiences.
In 2006 the publishing house Golos-Press published his second book, titled From Everyone One Thread.
Since 2003 Eiramdzhan lived and worked in Miami, FL with his wife Oksana and his son Koka.
Eiramdzhan died in Miami, Florida September 23, 2014 in the age 77. The death came from cardiac arrest.


Movie director and scriptwriter

  1. Fellows Villager - scriptwriter
  2. What There is Our Life? - The Film-Almanac «Au-Uu!» scriptwriter
  3. Let's Meet at the Fountain - scriptwriter
  4. If I Would Be the Chief - scriptwriter
  5. Where It Will Get To?! - scriptwriter
  6. It Is Time of Red Apples - scriptwriter
  7. Travel Will Be Pleasant - scriptwriter
  8. Vitya Glushakov is The Apachees's Friend - scriptwriter
  9. The Most Charming and Attractive - scriptwriter
  10. Where is Nofelet ? - scriptwriter
  11. For Fine Ladies! - director, scriptwriter
  12. The Ladies' Man - director, scriptwriter
  13. My Sailor Girl - director, scriptwriter
  14. Real Man - producer, director, scriptwriter.

    Producer, director and scriptwriter

  15. New Odeon
  16. Old Records
  17. The Groom from Miami
  18. The Third is Not Superfluous
  19. The Impotent Men
  20. Night Visit
  21. When We Are Not Strange
  22. Prima Donna Mary
  23. The Ultimatum
  24. The Valentine's Day
  25. The Agent in the Miniskirt
  26. The Mistress From Moscow
  27. Secret Appointment
  28. We Have Made It !
  29. The Son of the Loser
  30. Easy Kiss
  31. Arrow of Love
  32. The Braked Reflex
  33. To Marry at 24 O'clock
  34. The Gift of Nature