Anahide Ter Minassian

Anahide Ter Minassian or Anahide Kévonian was an Armenian-French historian who specialised in the history of Armenia during its time in the Soviet empire and that period before.


Ter Minassian was born in Paris in 1929. Her stateless Armenian parents were Levon Kevonian and Armenouhie Der-Garabédian and they taught her Armenian, refusing to send her to a French school until she was seven. She would in time marry Ruben Ter-Minasian's son Leon Ter Minassian who was also a stateless Armenian. They had four children, including historian Taline Ter Minassian.
She went to the Sorbonne where she studied History and Geography and she became a lecturer at the and at Paris I University. In 1969 she went to work at the Sorbonne.
After 40 years of service, she was made a knight of the légion d'honneur in 2015.
Ter Minassian died in Fresnes in 2019.
