American Dream (Jakatta song)

"American Dream" is a song by Jakatta. The track samples two Thomas Newman pieces from the soundtrack for the film American Beauty: "American Beauty" and "Dead Already". A spoken-word sample from "Two of Hearts" by Stacey Q is sampled on the track. The single peaked at No. 3 on the UK Singles Chart and also reached the top 40 in Belgium, Ireland, and Spain. A remix of the song was released in summer 2001 and peaked at No. 63 in the UK. Unusually for a dance track, the majority of the track is in time instead of the much more common.

Official versions

Weekly charts

Original version
Chart Peak
Australia 63

Chart Peak

Year-end charts


In popular culture

It is used in a segment of the BBC documentary Inventions That Changed the World, as well as the Channel 4 documentary series The Secret Millionaire, and has featured on various television adverts.