Amblystegiaceae is a family of mosses. It includes 20 to 30 genera with a total of up to 150 species. They occur nearly worldwide, growing in tropical, temperate, and subpolar regions.
These mosses are small to large in size and are yellow, green, or brown in color. Some are aquatic and some terrestrial. Most occur in wet habitat types. Many occur in substrates with a basic pH, but some grow in neutral to acidic substrates.Genera include:
- Apterygium Kindb.1885
- Calliergidium Grout1929
- Calliergon Kindb.1894
- Campyliadelphus R.S. Chopra1975
- Campylium Mitt.1869
- Conardia H. Rob.1976
- Cratoneuron Spruce1867
- Cratoneuropsis M. Fleisch.1923
- Acrocladium Mitt.1869
- Hygrohypnum Lindb.1872
- Leptodictyum Warnst.1906
- Loeskypnum H.K.G. Paul1918
- Platydictya Berk.1863
- Platyhypnum Loeske1911
- Platylomella A.L. Andrews1950
- Pseudocalliergon Loeske1907
- Sasaokaea Broth.1929
- Sciaromiopsis Broth.1924
- Serpoleskea Loeske1905
- Sinocalliergon Sakurai1949
- Sarmentypnum Tuom. & T.J. Kop.1979
- Pictus C.C. Towns.1983
- Koponenia Ochyra1985
- Hypnobartlettia Ochyra1985
- Sciaromiella Ochyra1986
- Ochyraea Váňa1986
- Richardsiopsis Ochyra1986
- Limprichtia Loeske1907
- Sanionia Loeske1907
- Hypnites Ettingsh.1855
- Neocalliergon R.S. Williams1930
- Sciaromiadelphus Abramova & I.I. Abramov1967
- Scorpidium Limpr.1899
- Warnstorfia Loeske1907
- Donrichardsia H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson1979
- Vittia Ochyra1987
- Hamatocaulis Hedenäs1989
- Callialaria Ochyra1989
- Palustriella Ochyra1989
- Gradsteinia Ochyra1990
- Protoochyraea Ignatov1990
- Orthotheciella Ochyra1998
- Campylidium Ochyra2003
- Hygrohypnella Ignatov & Ignatova2004
- Campylophyllopsis W.R. Buck2009
- Pseudocampylium Vanderp. & Hedenäs2009
- Pseudoamblystegium Vanderp. & Hedenäs2009
- Straminergon Hedenäs1993
- Larrainia W.R. Buck2015
- Arvernella Hugonnot & Hedenäs2015
- Microhypnum Jan Kučera & Ignatov2019
- Amblystegium Schimp.1853
- Pseudohygrohypnum Kanda1976
- Hygroamblystegium Loeske1903
- Drepanocladus G. Roth1899