Amarna letter EA 254

Amarna letter EA 254, titled: "Neither Rebel nor Delinquent " is a moderate length, tall, and mostly flat rectangular clay tablet Amarna letter,. The letter is from Labaya of city-state Šakmu.
It is an undamaged letter, in pristine condition, with cuneiform script on almost all surfaces: Obverse, Bottom, Reverse, and Left Side.
Letter EA 254 is numbered VAT 335, from the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin.
The Amarna letters, about 300, numbered up to EA 382, are a mid 14th century BC, about 1360 BC and 30-35 years later, correspondence. The initial corpus of letters were found at Akhenaten's city Akhetaten, in the floor of the Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh; others were later found, adding to the body of letters.

The letter

EA 254: ''"Neither Rebel nor Delinquent (2)"''

EA 254, letter three of three.
Obverse: See here; Line drawing,
Bottom & Reverse: See here; Line drawing,
Left Side

The [Habiru]/'Apiru">habiru">'Apiru

The mention of the Habiru shows the conflict of the time, as the takeover of city-states or regions by the Habiru. The map shows various cities and regions, and their respective dealings with the Habiru. The next closest mention of the Habiru is from the Jerusalem letters of Abdi-Heba, directly south at Jerusalem, letters EA 286, 287, 288, 289, and EA 290.

Spellings for ''[Habiru]'' in the Amarna letters
