Altima Ace

Altima Ace, also known as AltimaA, and subtitled "Ultimate Magazine that you are crazy about," is a defunct Japanese manga magazine published by Kadokawa Shoten. Altima Ace was a spinoff sister magazine to Kadokawa Shoten's Young Ace. The first issue was released on October 18, 2011, and was scheduled to publish bimonthly in Japan on the 18th day of even-numbered months, priced at 580 yen.
On October 18, 2012, after a one-year run, Kadakowa announced that it was ending publication of Altima Ace with the November 2012 issue. A total of seven bimonthly issues were published in all. Five of its continuing manga stories were moved to Monthly Asuka, including Biblia Koshodou no Jiken and Fate/Zero Kuro, and an additional three titles were to be transferred to Young Ace.

Serialized manga