
Alphanodavirus is a genus of viruses, in the family Nodaviridae. Insects, mammals, and fishes serve as natural hosts. There are currently five species in this genus including the type species Nodamura virus. Diseases associated with this genus include: NoV: paralysis in infected wax moth larvae. It can also provoke paralysis and death to suckling mice and suckling hamsters.


Viruses in the genus Alphanodavirus are non-enveloped, with icosahedral geometries, and T=3 symmetry. The diameter is around 30 nm. Genomes are linear and segmented, bipartite, around 21.4kb in length.
GenusStructureSymmetryCapsidGenomic arrangementGenomic segmentation

Life cycle

Viral replication is cytoplasmic. Entry into the host cell is achieved by penetration into the host cell. Replication follows the positive stranded RNA virus replication model. Positive stranded rna virus transcription, using the internal initiation model of subgenomic RNA transcription is the method of transcription. Insects, mammals, and fishes serve as the natural host.
GenusHost detailsTissue tropismEntry detailsRelease detailsReplication siteAssembly siteTransmission
AlphanodavirusInsects, mammals, fishes-PenetrationLysisCytoplasmCytoplasmUnknown