
Allomerus is a Neotropical genus of small ants in the subfamily Myrmicinae. Its eight species are known from the forests of South America, where they live in plant cavities and structures.


Table of known ant–host relations:
A. brevipilosusGleasonia nauensis
A. decemarticulatusDuroia sp.,
Gleasonia nauensis,
Hirtella sp.,
Hirtella physophora,
Tococa sp.
A. dentatusTococa hirta
A. maietaeMaieta neblinensis
A. octoarticulatusRemijia physophora,
Tococa sp.
A. septemarticulatusDuroia saccifera
A. vogeliMyrmidone macrosperma
A. undecemarticulatusTococa pachystachya