Allison (surname)

Allison is a surname of English and Scottish origin.
When used as a given name it is traditionally masculine, as opposed to the feminine name Alison.
Alison, variant form Alizon, is a surname of French origin.
With the many variants of spelling through history, as well as the likelihood of phonetic spelling changes and variations through time; names such as Alison Allason, Ellison, Allyson, Alasoune, Allinson and in some cases McAllister have been found to be interchangeable and variants of the different families using the same family name of 'Allison'.


The surname was first recorded in England in 1248, when a "William Alisun" is recorded in the Documents of the Abbey of Bee in Buckinghamshire. In Scotland, the earliest record dates from 1296, when "Patrick Alissone, Count of Berwick" paid homage to the ruling council of Scotland in the absence of a proclaimed king.

List of people with the surname
