Allan Cameron (author)

Allan Cameron is a Scottish author and translator.

Early life

Allan Cameron was brought up in Nigeria and Bangladesh. He worked at sea and at the age of twenty moved to Italy, where he lived for many years. At the age of 31 he went to university and, after graduating, worked in the same department he had studied in. In 1992 he moved to Scotland, he now lives in Glasgow.


He has published articles in the daily newspaper L’Unità, the Italian current affairs magazine Reset, and the academic journals Teoria Politica and Renaissance Studies. He also contributed the comments on Pope, Hume and Winstanley to Alasdair Gray’s Book of Prefaces. His unpublished works include three plays, two in Italian and one in English. He has also produced a certain number of short stories and poetry in both languages.
Allan Cameron has translated seventeen books by a variety of writers, including the most important post-war Italian philosopher, Norberto Bobbio, the president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, and the leading historian Eric Hobsbawm.
He has published two novels, The Golden Menagerie and The Berlusconi Bonus.
Allan Cameron has published a book on language, In Praise of the Garrulous, a collection of poetry, Presbyopia, and two collections of short stories, Can the Gods Cry? and On the Heroism of Mortals.
From 2008 Allan Cameron is the editorial director of . It is a small, independent publishing house based in Glasgow, committed to introducing new titles from Scottish authors and translating fiction from other languages. Vagabond Voices list aims to reflect literary ambition, promote innovative writers, and provide readers with a range of challenging titles.


',, was translated into Italian and published by Azimut in Rome.

Short Stories

Non-fiction titles


Short stories