All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists

The Evangelical Baptist Union of Ukraine or All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists ; ; Всеукраинский союз церквей евангельских христиан-баптистов ) is a Baptist Christian denomination in Ukraine. It is affiliated with the Baptist World Alliance. The headquarters is in Kiev.


The All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christian-Baptists has its origins in a believer's baptism movement in the 19th century. In 1918, the All-the Ukrainian Union of Baptists was founded. In 1922, it becomes associated with Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. It is officially reorganized in 1990 and becomes independent of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. In 2017, it had 2,600 churches and 113,000 members.