According to Peter Rogerson writing in Magonia magazine, the concept of alien implants can be traced to a March 1957 Long John Nebelradio show interview with UFOlogist John Robinson where Robinson recounted a neighbor's claim of being kidnapped by aliens in 1938 and kept subdued by "small earphones" placed behind his ears. Massachusetts resident Betty Andreasson claimed that aliens had implanted a device in her nose during her supposed alien abduction in 1967, first publicized by Raymond Fowler in his book, The Andreasson Affair. A Canadian woman named Dorothy Wallis claimed a similar experience in 1983. In later years, the claims of authors like Whitley Strieber would popularize alien abduction ideas in general, including reports of unusual "implants" associated with abductions. John E. Mack wrote in his book Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens that he examined a "1/2- to 3/4-inch thin, wiry object" given to him by a twenty-four-year-old woman client who claimed it came out of her nose following an abduction experience. California podiatrist Roger Leir also claims to have removed alien implants from patients. According to skeptical investigator Joe Nickell, supposed alien implants appear to be ordinary materials such as a shard of glass, a jagged piece of metal, and a carbon fiber. The objects are often found lodged in extremities such as toes, hands and shins. Nickell cites Israeli teaching hospital department head Virgil Priscu's opinion that there's "No mystery, no implants", explaining that normal objects picked up during a fall or by walking barefoot often become surrounded by scar tissue. An example of alien implants is the case of Mrs Elaine Waite, from the London area. It began for her in 1969, when she was living with her parents in Greenford, West London, during an early morning visit to the bathroom, she noticed an ‘Orange Ball of Light’ hovering over her house. During the mid 90’s she began to experience vivid dreams, including the stereo typed ‘Abduction scenarios. On the 14th of May 1997, after experiencing considerable discomfort in her upper nasal cavity, Elaine blew her nose into a tissue and noticed what looked like a tiny piece of metal.
Popular culture
Alien implants, pictured as small needles inserted into victim's necks and stomachs, first appeared in the 1953 film, Invaders from Mars.