Alexei Eryomin

Alexei Eryomin
Alexei Lvovich Eryomin is a Russian doctor, scientist, hygienist, whose scientific research has contributed to the modern understanding of noogenesis, defined the concept of information ecology and information hygiene.

Education, qualification

Information hygiene and [information ecology]

"In 1995 Alexey Eryomin proposed to allocate "information hygiene" in a special section of science"
- and then established 2005 a new scientific discipline, which was developed
In 1998 Eryomin A.L. proposed the concept of "information ecology":
"The idea of extending the functional role of information in natural systems to the study of human systems is further advocated by A. L. Eryomin... is a general model that can provide a more explicit link between how information functions in natural systems and human systems in an adaptive, evolutionary context".
In researches “Eryomin A.L. showed a negative impact in the period 1991-2000 the information environment on the mental health of the population of Russia".
In further, when conducting its own studies, the contribution of Eryomin in the development of the scientific direction "information ecology", refer to his early base article - scientists USA, China,
Finland, France, Poland, Canada, et al.


"In 2005 Eryomin in the monograph proposed the concepts of "intellect system", "information logistics", "intellectual acceleration", "intellectual force", "intellectual energy", "intellectual potential", - united in the theory of intellect."
The knowledge of the phenomenon of intelligent systems—the emergence of reason boils down to:
"The concept of "noogenesis" grew from the ideas of Vernadsky and Chardin about the "noosphere" and actively introduced into scientific use A.L. Eryomin as the notion of the evolution of intellectual systems."
"Studying the evolution of intellect systems A.L. Eryomin considered "informational instinct" as due to innate mechanisms inherited the urge to commit appropriate actions of vital importance."
"Eryomin proposed hypothesis continue prognostic progressive evolution of the species Homo sapiens."
→ 7 billion;
B – number of literate persons;
C – number of reading books ;
D – number of receivers ;
E – number of phones, computers, Internet users
"Alexey Eremin offers a new scientific interpretation of the term "noogenesis" as the appearance of intelligence and evolutionary development of intelligent systems. By analogy with the biogenetic law of recapitulation theory he puts forward the hypothesis of the basic law of evolution of mankind, describe the relationship between human development and evolution of the human brain: the evolution of human population actually repeats the evolution of the number of nerve cells in the brain, as a consequence, - evolution of mankind repeats some of the information and functional characteristics of the brain.
Living currently on the planet people are heirs of the world's richest cultural heritage in industrial, public, and mentally, - genetic keepers memory of global intellectual system. Humanity as a whole displayed objective reality, arising in the process of human interaction. Alexey Eryomin came to the conclusion that superintellect can be realized in the form Global Intelligence, Allworld Mind, World Brain on the planet Earth.
Eryomin A.L. believes that humanity intellectually evolving. Joint global highly intelligent activity of humanity has led in the second half of the twentieth century to the acts, showing the unity and the level of intellectual potential of humanity: organization of the UN, the victory over smallpox, the use of atomic energy, space exploration, organization of the satellite television, satellite navigation systems, etc.
Opening, further searching and researchs in the twenty-first century formulas of intellect and mathematical foundations of the mind, the translation of "intellectual" in the plane of mathematical physiology and physics could, according to Alexey Eryomin, would can to contribute to a number of useful things. Finding Parallels between the formation of the individual and of mankind, as suggested by the researcher, should be continued: it can provide a basis for confidence that the intelligence of humanity will cope with the most unexpected and sometimes dangerous problems and challenges of modernity."
Eryomin "allocated biophysical parameters intellectual energetics – the amount of information, the quantity of acceleration and of distance of its transmission - with combining them in the formula".
Eryomin “proposed an analogy between the human brain, consisting of a large number of parallel-working neurons, and human community, consisting of people".

Academic work in the area of higher education, affecting a substantial number of academic institutions

Grant of Fund "Open Society Institute" for the publication of monograph; Monograph on "Information and Health. Model of Secure Information Behavior" in 2001 - ; For material in 2005, awarded the title of laureate of All-Russian concurs "Science - Society - 2004", organized by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund under the Government of Russia, the Russian Agency for Scientific News, the British Council, the Association of Science Journalists of Russia; Material in 2010 became the winner of the contest and award the prizes from companies Security Lab, Agnitum, Positive Technologies; The material was nominated for the National competition "Golden psyche" in 2011; Was awarded the medal "State Sanitary Service of Russia - 95 years" in 2018.

Member of a scholarly society, scientific association

Member of the British Ecological Society ; Member of the Royal Institute of Public Health ; Member of the Russian National Scientific Medical Society of Hygienists and Public Health Physicians ; Member of the IV Congress of Biophysicists Russia.

Publications in leading scientific journals

Eryomin A.L. - author of publications in international scientific journals, journals of Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientific journals of the Russian Federation. Citation metrics: In terms of citation defines the most cited papers.

In a field of literature and impact outside academia in academic capacity

Alexey Eryomin is a writer, author of science-popular monograph "Information and Health" and numerous publications in the media.
The results of the scientific researches of Alexey Eryomin devoted to popular science review in the socio-political mass-circulation magazine and international mass media.