Alberta Fish and Game Association

The Alberta Fish and Game Association is a charitable organization dedicated to fish and wildlife conservation in the Canadian province of Alberta. The AFGA was founded in 1908 when a group of anglers and hunters first met in Calgary, Alberta. It now claims to have about 14,000 members province-wide.
The AFGA is a founding member of a number of sister conservation organizations. In 1962, along with representatives of the 9 other provinces, it helped found the Canadian Wildlife Federation . At the time it was felt that the organized hunters and anglers of Canada needed a national organization that would represent conservation. Today, it is still only the AFGA and its sister organizations from across Canada that constitute voting members of the CWF, although a significant amount of funds are raised from non-voting members.
In 1997, the AFGA was instrumental in the founding of the Alberta Conservation Association . The ACA acts as a delegated administration organization at arm's length from government, and administers funds received primarily from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses. At the time, the provincial government was going through a significant reorganization, and $18 million that were in a designated fund for conservation were being threatened to be absorbed by the provincial Treasurer. As a representative of the hunters and anglers who pay into this fund, the AFGA continues to be involved with the ACA.