Albany Rural Cemetery
The Albany Rural Cemetery was established October 7, 1844, in Colonie, New York, United States, just outside the city of Albany, New York. It is renowned as one of the most beautiful, pastoral cemeteries in the U.S., at over. Many historical American figures are buried there.
On April 2, 1841, an association was formed to bring the cemetery into being. A committee of the association selected the site on April 20, 1844. The cemetery originally contained. This portion was consecrated October 7, 1844. Daniel D. Barnard delivered the dedication address, which was one of many given at rural cemeteries across the northeast in the years from Justice Joseph Story's address at Mount Auburn Cemetery in 1831 to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in 1863. The first interment was made in May, 1845. Located near the entrance is the Louis Menand House.David Bates Douglass, a military and civilian engineer, working in the capacity as a consulting architect, designed the landscape layout of Albany Rural Cemetery, between 1845–1846. He modeled his design of the Albany Rural Cemetery, as well as his subsequent and final one, Mount Hermon Cemetery, in a rural area outside of Quebec City, Canada East, upon his first design, the highly acclaimed Green-Wood Cemetery, in what at the time was a rural section of Brooklyn. All three of Douglass' garden cemeteries have been conferred a historic status, by their respective jurisdictions.
In 1868, bodies from other cemeteries were removed and reinterred in Albany Rural Cemetery.
Notable burials
- President Chester A. Arthur - the 21st President of the United States, was interred at Albany Rural Cemetery in Lot 8, Section 24, along with his wife Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur,. His memorial was designed by Ephraim Keyser and dedicated on June 15, 1889. Friends of the former president contributed a fund that provided $10,000 for the memorial and for a statue that was erected in New York City.
- Alice Morgan Wright – Modernist sculptor, co-founder of New York State League of Women Voters, Recording Secretary for Woman Suffrage Party, Co-Founder of the National Women's Party, and Founder of the Humane Education Society.
- Erastus Corning – Founder and president of the New York Central Railroad, and is located on a large circular plot in Lot 2, Section 31.
- Erastus Corning 2nd – Great-grandson of Erastus Corning and the mayor of Albany for 41 years. He is also in the Corning family plot.
- Anne Darling - actress, best known as the shepherdess in Bride of Frankenstein.
- Charles Fort – American writer and researcher who specialized in anomalous phenomena. He is interred in Lot 8, Section 28.
- Jack Gwillim - English character actor.
- Edward Burton Hughes - Acting Commissioner of New York State Department of Transportation in 1969, Executive Deputy Commissioner of New York State Department of Transportation, and Deputy Superintendent of New York State Department of Public Works. Upon his retirement in 1970 Hughes founded the E. Burton Hughes Achievement Award.
- Daniel Manning - Journalist, politician and banker and served as Secretary of the Treasury under President Grover Cleveland. His grave is located in Lot 5, Section 27.
- William Learned Marcy - American statesman, who served as U.S. Senator, Governor of New York, U.S. Secretary of War and U.S. Secretary of State. His monument is in Lot 94, Section 62. When he died in 1857, relatives recalled that Marcy "frequently expressed the wish to be buried where he had spent so much time in reading and in contemplation".
- Erastus Dow Palmer - World-renowned sculptor, is buried in Lot 15, Section 34. He worked in an Albany studio producing statuary and portrait busts for many years before he died in 1904. He produced two statues which are displayed at the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; the Robert Livingston Statue and "Peace in Bondage". Several of Mr. Palmer's works adorn markers at the cemetery, one of which is titled "The Angel at the Sepulchre", located in Lot 1, Section 31, or the Banks plot. Palmer also designed the granite monument at the grave of William Learned Marcy, U.S. Senator and three-term Governor of New York.
- William Paterson - U.S. Senator and Governor of New Jersey and a signatory to the Constitution of the United States. Paterson ended his career as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, serving until his death. He is interred in the same plot as his son-in-law, Stephen Van Rensselaer.
- Rufus Wheeler Peckham – New York Court of Appeals judge and U.S. congressman who was lost at sea. There is a cenotaph in his honor in the Peckham family plot.
- Rufus Wheeler Peckham – associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States - in the Peckham family plot in Lot 19, Section 11.
- Wheeler Hazard Peckham – Prominent New York City lawyer and a failed nominee to the Supreme Court. He is buried in the Peckham family plot in Lot 19, Section 11.
- Peggy Schuyler – Sister-in-law to Alexander Hamilton.
- Philip Pieterse Schuyler – progenitor of the Schuyler family, the Livingston family and the ancestor of the Bush family.
- Gilbert R. Spalding - showman and circus owner in the Spalding and Robbins family plot in Lot 98, Section 62.
- Ambrose Spencer – a prominent New York lawyer, judge and politician, is also buried nearby.
- John Canfield Spencer – Secretary of War and Secretary of the Treasury under President John Tyler and a failed nominee to the Supreme Court, buried in the Spencer family plot.
- Frances Starr - American stage, film and television actress.Van Tuyl lot, sec. 122, lot 11.
- Ebby Thacher – an early member of Alcoholics Anonymous, the best friend and sponsor of the co-founder William Wilson is buried here, in Section 56, Lot 24.
- Franklin Townsend - A 19th-century industrialist, active in his family's iron business which was a branch of the Stirling Iron Works, the maker of the Hudson River Chain that prevented the British Royal Navy from sailing up the Hudson River during the American Revolutionary War. He was active in Albany politics, serving as an alderman and one term as mayor of the city. He served as adjutant general of the state of New York from 1869–1873 and is interred along with his wife.
- John Van Buren – son of President Martin Van Buren, is buried in lot 28, section 62. John Van Buren, a handsome attorney known as "Prince John", died at sea on October 13, 1866, while on the voyage from Liverpool to New York. His grave in Lot 28, Section 62 is marked by an Italian marble cross.
- General Stephen Van Rensselaer - the last patroon, who died in 1839, was founder of the scientific school which later became Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His grave is located at Lot 1, Section 14.
- Thomas Kirby Van Zandt - a noted painter of horses.
- Thurlow Weed - New York newspaper publisher and Whig and Republican politician; marked by a spire, corner lot, sec. 109, lot 1.
- Philip Schuyler – A doric column at Lot 2, Section 29 commemorates General Philip Schuyler, major general in the Continental Army, delegate to the Continental Congress, one of the first two United States senators elected from New York, and descendant of Philip Pieterse Schuyler.
- Two monuments within this cemetery incorporate works in bronze by the sculptor Oscar Lenz. Lenz created The Angel of The Resurrection and frieze on the Parsons family monument, as well as the relief of a seated warrior receiving a bouquet of poppies from the Angel of Death on George Porter Hilton's mausoleum.