Alan Baxter (author)

Alan RichardBaxter is a British-Australian author of supernatural thrillers, horror and dark fantasy, and a teacher of kung fu.

Writing career

Baxter was born in 1970 in Crawley, Sussex, UK. When he was aged 7, his family moved to Surrey where Baxter remained until emigrating permanently to Australia in 1999 after two years of world travel.
His first novel, the dark fantasy/horror thriller RealmShift, was self-published in 2006. Baxter set up independent publisher Blade Red Press in 2008 and re-released RealmShift along with the sequel, MageSign. In 2010 both RealmShift and MageSign were acquired and republished by Gryphonwood Press.
Baxter is also the author of the dark urban fantasy trilogy, Bound, Obsidian and Abduction, published by HarperVoyager Australia in 2014, and forthcoming from Ragnarok Publications in the US from December 2016.
Baxter has more than 70 short stories published in a variety of journals and anthologies in Australia, the US, the UK and France including Fantasy & Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Daily Science Fiction, Postscripts, Wily Writers and Midnight Echo, among many others, and more than twenty anthologies, including the Year's Best Australian Fantasy & Horror. Baxter's first collection of short fiction, Crow Shine, is to be published by Ticonderoga Publications in September 2016.
In 2011 Baxter was nominated for a Ditmar Award Best New Talent Award and his 2013 story, Not The Worst Of Sins, was nominated for the Ditmar Award in the Best Short Story category in 2014. Baxter's novel Bound: Alex Caine Book 1 was nominated for the 2014 Best Novel Ditmar Award and Obsidian: Alex Caine Book 2 was nominated for the 2014 Aurealis Award for Best Horror Novel. His novelette, The Darkness in Clara, was nominated for the 2014 Ditmar Award for Best Novelette or Novella. Baxter also had two short story nominations in the 2014 Australian Shadows Awards, for Mephisto and Shadows of the Lonely Dead, winning the Award for Shadows of the Lonely Dead. Baxter also won the Australian Shadows Paul Haines Award for Long Fiction in 2015 for In Vaulted Halls Entombed.



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