Al Cohen

Al Cohen was the owner, and a well-known demonstrator of magic tricks, at Al's Magic Shop in Washington, D.C.


In 1936 at age 10, Al Cohen began working at his father Macye Cohen's gift shop, "The Oriental Bazaar" in Washington, D.C. at 1205 Pennsylvania Avenue, which would eventually evolve into Al's Magic Shop. He became a very successful demonstrator for the store, and became widely known among magicians for his abilities at demonstrating magic tricks.
Al's Magic Shop eventually relocated on the west side of Vermont Avenue between K and L Streets, NW, had an array of famous customers over the years, who included : George H.W. Bush, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, Henny Youngman, and Muhammad Ali, among any number of other TV and film celebrities, prominent government officials and politicians, and a variety of other well-known personalities.
As a performer, Al has played many venues, including among others: four times at the White House, on early Washington TV, and at birthday parties, magic conventions and corporate events.
Al retired from running the shop in 2002, and it was closed in 2004.


"Al Cohen is not only one of the most honest and respected dealers in the world, he is above all else a gentleman. I have yet to meet a magician who doesn't hold Al Cohen in the highest regard."
Larry Becker
