
Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi was an Andalusí Sunni Islamic legal scholar following the Maliki madhab. He died in 1388 in Granada.
Imam Shatibi's full name was "Ibrahim bin Mosa bin Muhammad al-Shatibi al-Gharnati". His family descended from the Banu Lakhm. His Kuniyat was "Abu Ishaq", and his surnames were "Al-Lakhmi", "Al-Gharnati", "Al-Maliki" and "As-Shatibi".
The date and place of his birth are unknown. However, one of his surnames, "As-Shatibi", points to the city Xàtiva, which indicates that he was a descendant of migrants from that town.


He learned from very prominent scholars of his time. He became a master in Arabic language and ittihad and research at a very early age. He would discuss various topics with his teachers before arriving to any conclusion.
  1. Al-Iʻtiṣām , - This famous book of Imam Shatibi is the ultimate encyclopedia on the topic of defining religious innovations. It consists of 10 chapters. The introduction is written by Syed Rasheed Radha Al-Misri. This mammoth book was published by Dar al-Kutb Al-Arabiya in 1931 in Cairo.
  2. Al-Muwafaqaat fi Usool al-Sharia , - This is also one of Imam Shatibi's best known books. It is on the topic of Usul al-fiqh, and Islamic jurisprudence and Maqasid Al-Sharia. It was published by Dawlat Al-Tunisia in four volumes.
  3. Shara ala al-Khutasa - This book is about Ilm-Nahwu.
  4. Al-Itifaq fi Elm al-Ishtiqaq - This book was on the topic of Ilm-Sharf, but it was lost during his life.
  5. Kitab al-Majalis - This book included commentary on Sahih Bukhari book al-Kitab Al-Biyooh.
  6. Kitab Al-ifidaat wa Al-inshadaat - This book included two volumes on Literature.


His teachers include well-known scholars at the time:
  1. Imam ibn al-Fakhar al-Abeeri
  2. Abu al-Qasim Al-Satti
  3. Imam Abu Abdullah al-tilmasani
  4. Imam Abu Abdullah al-Maqri
  5. Shaikh Abu Saeed bin Lab
  6. Imam Jaleel bin Marzooq
  7. Abu Ali Mansoor bin Mohammed al-Zidawi
  8. Abu Abdullah al-Bilnasi
  9. Abu Jafar al-Shoqoori
  10. Abu Al-Abbas al-Qabbab
  11. Abu Adullah al-Hafaar