Akhmetzhan Yessimov

Akhmetzhan Yessimov is the former Mayor of Almaty and director of EXPO-2017.


Born on December 19, 1950, in the village of Internatsional, Kaskelen District, Alma-Ata Oblast; Kazaklhs of the Shapyrashty Line of the Elder Zhuz. Nephew of Nursultan Nazarbaev
Graduated from Kazakh Agricultural Institute majoring in Mechanization of Agriculture and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee; PhD in Economics. He started his professional experience in 1968 as a sports methodologist at the ‘Druzhba’ State Farm; upon graduation from the institute, he worked as a mechanical engineer at the ‘Leninsky’ State Farm and later as Chairman of Trade Union Working Committee at the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Farming.
In 1979, he became an instructor of Organizational Department at Kaskelen District Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and then he was elected Secretary of ‘Leninsky’ State Farm Communist Party Committee. Since 1982: instructor of Agriculture Department at Alma-Ata Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.
Since 1983: Director of ‘Leninsky’ State Farm.
In 1985, appointed Chairman of Kaskelen District Executional Committee.
In 1986, elected First Secretary of Chilik District Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.
Since 1988, occupied the position of First Deputy Chairman of Alma-Ata Oblast Executional Committee — Chairman of the Oblast Agroindustry Committee and Secretary of Alma-Ata Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.
In 1990, appointed the First Deputy Chairman of Agroindustry Committee of Kazakh SSR, and in 1991 — the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of Kazakh SSR.
Since September 1991 till February 1992: Chairman of Almaty Oblast Congress of People's Deputies; then till December 1994 — Head of Almaty Region Administration.
Since 1994 till 1998: Vice Prime Minister, Secretary of State, First Vice Prime Minister — Chairman of the Republic of Kazakhstan State Committee for Investments, Head of Administration of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During a number of years, he represented interests of Kazakhstan in the positions of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in the Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of the Netherlands and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He was in charge of the Representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the EU and NATO.
Since May, 2001 till January, 2006, he worked as Minister of Agriculture and Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On January 19, 2006, he was appointed the Republic of Kazakhstan Minister of Agriculture again.
On April 4, 2008, at its 9th extraordinary session, the Maslihat of Almaty City unanimously approved Alkhmetzhan Yessimov's nomination at the post of Akim of the city.
On October 16, 2008, at the VIII extraordinary Nur Otan Party city conference, Yessimov was elected Chairman of the Nur Otan city wing.
On August 9, 2015, by order of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was appointed Chairman of Board of Astana EXPO-2017 National Company.

Activities as Minister of Agriculture

During A. Yessimov's activities as Minister of Agriculture, Kazakhstan rose up to the world's first line in export of flour

Activities as Akim of Almaty City

A. Yessimov started his activities in the position of Almaty City Akim from solution of problems of cheated participants in shared-equity residential construction. At that time, the city counted 125 residential compounds with frozen construction activities
As a result, with support of President N. Nazarbaev, almost all the construction investors of the city got housings
In 2011, the 7th Asian Winter Games were successfully hosted in Almaty; for the purpose of which sportive infrastructure had been created in the city
In the same year, the Almaty Subway was opened.
Besides, in the term of less than five years, 20 new substations were constructed in the city which solved energy problems to a great extent.
In 2011, he initiated establishment of municipal public transport and gradual driving private carriers out of the market.
He is among the ideologists of mountain skiing tourism development in Almaty Region as one of the most promising economy lines.
In 2008, the Alatau District was established out of the problematic villages earlier annexed by the city.
He continually brought up the issue of particular raise of salaries of Almaty medics and teachers to the Government referring to the high living standards in the city.
On October 6, 2013, by initiative of Akhmetzhan Yessimov and Olympic Champion Aleksandr Vinokurov, the Almaty Administration organized and successfully hosted the first in Kazakhstani history professional cycling race “Tour of Alamty” under the auspices of UCI, Category 1,2. The cycling race was broadcast by the Eurosport TV Channel.
In 2014, under guidance of Yessimov, for the first time in the history, the gross regional product volume of Almaty exceeded KZT 8 trillion.
In the same year, a thousand of young creative teachers of the city received monetary awards of KZT 300,000.
By decision of the extraordinary XXIX Session of Almaty City Maslikhat, the eighth in succession, Nauryzbay District was established, and the area of the city expanded. By the end of 2014, the population of Nauryzbay District exceeded 180 K people.

OSCE and ENP campaign

Minister Yessimov led a government delegation in negotiations over Kazakhstan's campaign to head the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in 2009 with Finnish Foreign Ministry Secretary of State, Pertti Torstila in July 2006 as Finland held the Presidency of the European Union. Torstila said the EU would not announce its decision until autumn, but at the moment the EU "welcome the candidacy of Kazakhstan in principle" while expressing concerns over treatment of free speech. If Kazakhstan is successful then it will be the first member of the Commonwealth of Independent States to head the OSCE. Yesimov noted that Kazakhstan produced 60 million tons of oil in 2005 and predicted production would soon reach "100 million tons and more.
After the adoption of a new version of its 'green book' on energy policy by the EU," Germany "is looking to import 20% of its energy resources from the Caspian region. Last year, Kazakhstan's exports of energy resources to the EU exceeded $10 billion." On 18 July Yesimov asked the EU to allow Kazakhstan to join its European Neighborhood Policy and to begin negotiating a Strategic Partnership Treaty, but EU officials expressed opposition to the change in European Union-Kazakhstan relations. Torstila and Yesimov said they "thoroughly" discussed refugees from Uzbekistan who left after the May 2005 unrest in Andijan. The delegation also included Konstantin Zhigalov, Kazakhstan's ambassador to Germany.

Akhmetzhan Yessimov’s activities in the position of Chairman of Board of the Astana EXPO-2017 National Company JSC

By order of Head of State, on August 9, 2015, Akhmetzhan Yessimov was appointed Chairman of Board of Astana EXPO-2017 National Company JSC. At the same time, A.S. Yessimov was released from his position as Mayor of Astana by the RK Presidential Decree.
Akhmetzhan Yessimov took this position over from Mayor of Astana Adilbek Dzhaksybekov who had occupied the post since June 11, 2015, by order of Head of State. Mayor of Astana Adilbek Dhaksybekov was appointed the Astana EXPO-2017 National Company Chairman of Board on June 11, 2015, upon arrest of Talgat Ermegiyaev.
Immediately upon appointment of Akhmetzhan Yessimov to the post of Chairman of Board, expenses for construction of the EXPO Village were cut by KZT 78 billion, and the top management of the Company was downsized twofold.
To attract responsible contractors, Akhmetzhan Yessimov undertook trips to the Regions. As a result, the Kazakhstani content share of the companies participating in the EXPO-2017 International Exhibition construction amounted to 90%.
The budget cost of construction of the Exhibition facilities was cut by KZT 302 B.
On April 21, 2017, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev marked the high level of preparedness of the Exhibition for operation. “Commendable organization of the Exhibition hosting will once again demonstrate achievements of independent Kazakhstan to the whole world,” said N. Nazarbaev.
On February 23, 2017, upon inspecting the Astana EXPO-2017Exhibition facilities, Secretary General of the International Exhibition Bureau Vicente Loscertales declared that “it will be the best Exhibition in the recent 25 years”.
Within the entire period since June 10 through September 9, the EXPO-2017 International Specialized Exhibition was visited by about 4,000,000 people.
During EXPO-2017, 220 official events were organized attended by 28 heads of states, 13 speakers and secretaries general of parliaments, 10 prime ministers, 26 deputy prime ministers, 70 ministers and 48 vice ministers. 39 agreements were signed by participant countries with representative of business, scientific and educational circles of Kazakhstan in energy, construction and investment sectors. 193 revolutionary ‘green’ technologies were demonstrated, the dominant part of which is being successfully implemented in Kazakhstan.
On account of budget optimization, Astana EXPO-2017 National Company saved KZT 364 billion: 44.6% of the project initial cost. The Exhibition gave a considerable multiplicative effect to the economy of Kazakhstan. Over 1,400 small and middle scale business enterprises received orders for delivery of commodities and services for KZT 640 billion. Over 50 K jobs were created. The demand for tour operator services grew almost twofold. The number of enterprises in Astana grew by over 10%. The Astana budget tax revenues grew 1.2 times.
“The capital of Kazakhstan found itself in the focus of global attention; close attention and interest of the whole world. Astana won in the nomination of the “City of the Future” by the National Geographic version. Besides, Kazakhstan joined the list of the countries worth visiting by the New York Times version... In total, under EXPO over 6,000 various events were held. Our country strengthened its image as a dynamically developing state of the Eurasian Region. The phenomenon of EXPO promoted productive and intensive interaction of science, business and society,” declared President of Kazakhstan at the EXPO-2017 Closure Ceremony.
EXPO-2017 was highly appraised by foreign visitors.
The EXPO-2017 Heritage facilities continue functioning as tourist attractions.


He was criticized by multiple city dwellers for bad preparation winter season heating system and bad removal of snow.
His idea to construct a mountain skiing facility on environmentally protected mountain slopes near Almaty was also subject to criticism.
In 2015, he was mocked at in social networks for his declaration about Almaty citizens often flying to the mountains by copters to play golf and ski.