
Aizelles is a commune in the department of Aisne in the Hauts-de-France region of northern France.
The inhabitants of the commune are known as Aizellois or Aizelloises.


Aizelles is some 20 km south-east of Laon and 30 km north-west of Reims. There are only three access roads to the commune: the D889 running north from Corbeny to the town of Aizelles, the D89 running eats from the D1044 from the western side of the commune, and the D88 which enters from the north-east of the commune. All three roads intersect in the village of Aizelles.
The commune is mostly farmland however there is a large forest - the Bois de Berrieux to the east of the town. This forest occupies about a quarter of the land area of the commune.
The Ruisseau de Fayau runs through the village and the commune from north-west and is joined by the Ru du Moulin river before flowing to the Miette river south-east of the commune which in turn flows to the Aisne river to the south.

Neighbouring communes and towns


List of Mayors of Aizelles
20012008Philippe MalpezziUMP
2008PresentJean-Marie MerloDVD


Places and monuments and cultural events