Aida Imanguliyeva

Aida Nasir gizi Imanguliyeva was born on October 10, 1939, in Baku in a highly educated family. Her father, a well-known journalist, pedagogue, Honoured Worker of Science—Nasir Imanguliyev was one of the founders of Azerbaijani press, editor of "Baki" and "Baku" newspapers for a long time. She was also the mother of Azerbaijan's current First Lady and the current Vice President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva.


In 1957, Aida Imanguliyeva graduated from school #132 of Baku with gold medal. In 1957, she entered Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov. In 1962, after graduation from Arabic philosophy of Oriental Studies faculty of the university she became postgraduate student of “Eastern nations and the history of literature” cathedra of the same university.
Then, she studied at “Nations of Asia” institute of the former Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
In 1966, after defence of dissertation, Aida Imanguliyeva began to work at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan-junior researcher, senior researcher, head of Arabic philology department, deputy director for research works. From 1991 to the end of her life, she worked as a director of Oriental Studies Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
In 1989, after successful defence of doctoral dissertation in Tbilisi, Aida Imanguliyeva became the first woman-doctor of oriental studies and soon she was given professor's degree of this very speciality.


Aida Imanguliyeva is the author of 3 monographs, more than 70 research papers written about Eastern literature. She was the member, deputy chairman and chairman of Defence Union by the profile of “Literature of Asian and African countries” operating at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
Professor A. Imanguliyeva presented oriental studies of Azerbaijan in countries of the Middle East and in other foreign countries.
In the sphere of scientific-organizational activities Aida Imanguliyeva gave great consideration to training of highly specialized personnel of Arabists.
In the department of “Arabic philology”, which she managed, more than 10 Candidate's dissertations were defended under her guidance during the short period of time.
A. Imanguliyeva was the member of presidium of the All-Union Society of Orientalists, the All-Union Coordination Council of Eastern Literature's research and the Union of Writers.
For many years, she was engaged in pedagogical activity, delivered lectures on Arabic philology in ASU.
Aida Imanguliyeva died on September 19, 1992.
For the perpetuation of memory of the famous scientist-Arabist Aida Imanguliyeva, one of high-achiever students of oriental studies faculty of BSU was given the scholarship named after her.