Ahead of the Lions

Ahead of the Lions is an album by rock band Living Things, released on October 4, 2005. The first single is the song "Bom Bom Bom" was featured in a Cingular commercial promoting an iTunes-compatible phone.
Living Things is a band of brothers. Born and raised in the socially conservative suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, they have been playing together since they were kids performing early versions of the tracks that would eventually be recorded for the Ahead of the Lions album. The album was recorded by the Steve Albini and produced by Living Things and Lij Shaw in the Berlin Family Basement in their hometown of St. Louis in February 2005. Living Things are distinguished, in part, by their lyrics, written by Lillian, the band's chief provocatuer.


As noted by Robert Christgau in the Village Voice, "Lillian Berlin is Johnny Rotten with politics. His art would be nothing without his rage; he is possessed by the need to get his point across that he grabs his brothers' music by the throat and makes it bellow his tune. But his rage wouldn't be much without his analyst,which however simplistic-and it is, though at this perilous moment no more so than apolitical cynicism or liberal equivocation-gives shape, purpose, and a referent outside his tortured psyche to feelings that emanate from who knows where."
The following is a sampling from other professional reviews of the album:
  1. "Bombs Below" – 3:00
  2. "I Owe" – 3:00
  3. "Bom Bom Bom" – 3:06
  4. "New Year" – 3:39
  5. "God Made Hate" – 4:20
  6. "End Gospel" – 3:25
  7. "No New Jesus" – 3:47
  8. "March in Daylight" – 3:36
  9. "Keep It 'Til You Fold" – 4:10
  10. "Monsters of Man" – 2:09
  11. "On All Fours" – 3:50
  12. "I Wish the Best for You" – 4:21
