Agripina Samper Agudelo

Agripina Casimira de los Dolores Samper Agudelo was a Colombian poet. Having a literary family, she received an education not easily accessible to women of her time and country. She wrote prose and poetry under the pseudonym "Pía-Rigán", an anagram of her given name. Her work remained unpublished during her lifetime and was only anthologized and published posthumously.

Personal life

Born Agripina Casimira de los Dolores on 4 March 1833 in the city of Honda, then part of the Department of Cundinamarca, her parents were José María Samper Blanco and María Tomasa Agudelo y Tafur, she was their only daughter and seventh out of the eight children born to José María and María Tomasa. Two of her siblings stand out: José María, who married Soledad Acosta Kemble, both were writers and journalists in their own right; and Miguel, writer and prominent politician. On 4 July 1857 she married Manuel Ancízar Basterra, a scientist and writer, and out this marriage were born Roberto, Pablo, Inés, Jorge, and Manuel. When she widowed in 1882, she moved with her children to Paris, where she died on 22 April 1892.

Selected works
