Agave angustifolia

Agave angustifolia is a plant which is native to Mexico and Central America. It is used to make mezcal and also as an ornamental plant, particularly the cultivar 'Marginata'.
The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families regards Agave angustifolia as an illegitimate synonym for Agave vivipara L.
Other sources maintain them as distinct species with non-overlapping native distributions. A. angustifolia has narrow, stiffly erect leaves with moderately-spaced spines, producing capsules, not bulibiferous; whereas A. vivipara is described as having shorter, recurved leaves with short-spaced spines and bulbiferous. A. vivipara is likely similar to A. karatto. The A. vivipara of Miller and Smith et al. seem different, of a much smaller habit and narrower leaves, from the A. vivipara of Trelease and García-Mendoza and Fernando Chiang, of a much larger habit.