
Agadão is a Portuguese civil parish located in Águeda Municipality in the Baixo Vouga Subregion. Its population was less than 500 inhabitants from the 2001 census, in an area of 35.34 km2 ; it is the second largest parish in area, penultimate center of population.


Agadão was created when the religious parish was de-annexed from Castanheira do Vouga, to establish a new faith community. During the first construction of the main church, around 1220, the manors of Vila Mendo de Cima and Vila Mendo de Baixo within Agadão, were being audited by King Afonso II, as part of his revisions to property rights.
The lands of the parish later pertained to the Counts of Feira, until the last Count Fernando Forjaz Pereira Pimentel de Menezes e Silva died in 1700 without an heir, and those lands were transferred to the Casa do Infantado.
The parishes church was constructed in the 18th Century on the hilltop locality of Lomba. But the region also includes many minor chapels scattered throughout the villages and hamlets, some in various states of decay or degradation, such as: Chapel of Menino Jesus, Chapel of São Bartolomeu, Chapel of Senhora da Paz, Chapel of Santa Bárbara, Chapel of São Tomé and the Chapel of São João.


Agadão is situated in the southeast corner of the municipality of Águeda, occupying the valley at the foot of the Serra do Caramulo, sustained by the Agadão River, that meanders north to south. It is located approximately 16 kilometers from the municipal seat. It contains the localities Alcafaz, Bertufo, Boa Aldeia, Caselho, Corga da Serra, Felgueira, Foz, Guistola, Guistolinha, Lázaro, Lomba, Lousa, Povinho, Sobreira and Vila Mendo.
Its immediate neighbors include the parishes of Belazaima do Chão, Castanheira do Vouga, as well as the parishes of Pala in the southern municipality of Mortágua, and Mosteirinho and São João do Monte in the eastern municipality of Tondela.


In addition to agriculture, the forestry sector and industry are the dominant economic activities in the local villages. Another of the main industries is water-bottling, which has supported the economy of this parish, and primarily of the village of Alcafaz.



The parish's gastronomic specialties include chanfana and broa de milho.