After School Nightmare is a shōjomanga series written and illustrated by Setona Mizushiro. It was serialized from 2004 to 2007 in the manga magazinePrincess and collected in ten tankōbon volumes. It is licensed in North America by Go! Comi, with all volumes adapted by Mallory Reaves and edited by Brynne Chandler. The story is about Mashiro Ichijo, an intersex high-school student who is forced by a teacher to work out their gender identity in a collective dream, and Mashiro's romantic relationships with two classmates, one female and one male.
Mashiro Ichijo is a girls' idol, handsome and kind, but he has been hiding a secret all his life; he's not truly male, nor entirely female. He has the upper body of a male but the lower body of a female. When a mysterious school nurse introduces him to a new class, he finds that in order to graduate he has to go to a world of dreams to find a mysterious key, competing with other classmates to find it. Once this key is found, the student graduates and all other members of the school forget the finder's existence. As he struggles with his gender identity, he tries to decide whether he wants to live as a male and go out with one of the prettiest girls in school or as a female and be with the cute male slacker, both of whom are madly in love with Ichijo. The final chapter reveals that the whole story is an allegory for an outer story that was hinted at on the first page and then hinted at repeatedly during the course of the story: The school is connected to a ward of pregnant women and when a student graduates, they are born in the real world. Mashiro is reborn as a girl, whose twin brother died right before birth. In the epilogue, the real-world outcome for Kureha Fujishima, Ai Mizuhashi, and Ebizawa are shown — dead. The story ends with the real-world Mashiro and Sou Mizuhashi meeting by coincidence when catching the same train to school.
All of the main and secondary characters take part in the dream class at some point during the story.
Main characters
; Mashiro Ichijo ; Kureha Fujishima ; Sou Mizuhashi ; Ai Mizuhashi
According to Mizushiro, the story was originally conceived as science fiction, set on board a space-ship. When she began to develop it as a shōjomanga, she moved the setting to a high school, changing the sleeping pods the characters used for shared dreaming into canopied beds. The characters Itsuki Shinonome and Asuka Suo were supposed to be part of the initial class of dreamers with Mashiro, but after serialization was announced in Princess as a horror story, Mizushiro put off introducing them because she thought their dream forms of a giraffe and mermaid were too gentle for an atmosphere of horror.
After School Nightmare was written and illustrated by Setona Mizushiro. It was serialized from 2004 to 2007 in the monthly shōjo manga magazinePrincess. The 39 untitled chapters were collected in ten tankōbon volumes by Akita Shoten under the Princess Comics imprint. It was licensed to be adapted English in North America by Go! Comi, with all volumes published. It is also licensed in France by Asuka, in Italy by Star Comics, and in Germany by Carlsen Verlag.