African Trade Insurance Agency

The African Trade Insurance Agency, also known as ATI, was established in 2001 by seven COMESA countries and with the technical and financial backing of The World Bank to provide insurance against political and commercial risks in order to attract foreign direct investments into the region. ATI is Africa's only multilateral investment and credit insurer and as of 31 December 2019 it had supported trade and investments into Africa valued at over USD62 billion since inception and for H1 2020, ATI recorded USD6.5 billion in Gross Exposures and USD390.8 million in equity.


ATI was created in 2001 to help drive much needed investment insurance capacity to Africa in order to support higher levels of foreign direct investments. Seven COMESA countries obtained a grant from the World Bank to conduct a study to look at factors contributing the low levels of FDI to their countries. The study revealed political risk to be the main constraint and the primary concern of prospective investors. The study expanded into a World Bank project from which ATI was created. ATI launched in 2001 in Kampala, Uganda and opened its doors in Nairobi, Kenya, ATI's head office.

Shareholders / Members

ATI has 18 member countries and 11 other corporate shareholders including UK Export Finance, Chubb, , the African Development Bank, Trade Development Bank and Atradius and India became the first non-African member country to become a shareholder through its government-backed export credit agency, ECGC
Paid up CapitalNon-African Member CountrtiesPaid-up CapitalOther ShareholdersPaid-up Capital
Benin14.1India 11.7African Development Bank15.0
Burundi15.4African Reinsurance Corporation1.0
Cote d'Ivoire20.1Atradius0.1
Democratic Republic of Congo19.5Chubb Limited10.0
Ghana17.6Kenya Reinsurance Corporation1.0
Kenya28.7SACE SpA10.0
Madagascar7.1Trade Development Bank1.0
Malawi17.5UK Export Finance0.1
South Sudan9.1SACE SpA10.0
Tanzania17.0Trade Devellopment Bank1.0
Togo12.3UK Export Finance0.1

ATI's Global Membership & Business Reach

Credit ratings

S&P: Reaffirmed A/Stable ; Assigned a Financial Enhancement 'A' rating
Moody's: Assigned A3/Stable