Adamou Idé

Adamou Idé is a Nigerien poet and novelist.


A native speaker of the Zarma language, Idé left his home in Niamey, Niger, to study public administration in France, receiving degrees from The Sorbonne and the Institut international d'administration publique in Paris, serving as an official in the Government of Niger and in international organizations. Idé published his first collection of poems, Cri Inachivé in 1984, and his first novel in 1987. He has published both in French and in Zarma. Idé won the first Nigerien National Poetry Prize in 1981 and the Grand Prix Littéraire Boubou Hama du Niger in 1996. He has served as a jury member for the Grand prix littéraire d'Afrique noire in 1991 and received the Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite of Niger. He has served as the president of the "Societé des Gens du Lettres du Niger" and the 3rd African Forum of Documentary Film
