Adad-Nirari of Nuhašše

Adad-Nirari or Addu-Nirari was a king of Nuhašše in the 14th century BC. His identity and succession order is debated as well as the extent of his kingdom which might have included Qatna. Adad-Nirari engaged in a military struggle again the Hittite king Šuppiluliuma I, asking Egypt for help and invading the kingdom of Ugarit, a Hittite vassal. Those actions prompted Šuppiluliuma to invade the region and relive Ugarit. Adad-Nirari's fate is unknown as he disappeared from records.

Reign and wars

Adad-Nirari is known through two documents; the letter codenamed sent by the Nuhaššite king to the pharaoh of Egypt, and the so-called "Niqmaddu Treaty" between Šuppiluliuma I and the Ugaritic king Niqmaddu II. Following his second Syrian foray, Šuppiluliuma sent an offer of alliance to the Nuhaššite king; Adad-Nirari rejected, and despite being a vassal of Mitanni, he sent the letter codenamed to ask Egypt for help and troops. Adad-Nirari might have asked Mitanni for help but the latter was unable to send it and it seems that Egypt did not respond as well.
Nuhašše revolted against the Hittites, but Ugarit, which was sent an alliance offer by Šuppiluliuma, eventually accepted the vassalage; Adad-Nirari allied himself with Niya and Mukiš then attacked Ugarit. According to Niqmaddu II, the troops of Adad-Nirari and his allies seized the cities of Ugarit, took booty and devastated the land. Thomas Richter believes that the coalition's attack triggered Šuppiluliuma's first Syrian war. The Hittite king, after receiving an appeal from his Ugaritic vassal, sent an army which defeated the coalition; the fate of Adad-Nirari is unknown as the Hittites make no mention of what happened to him.

Chronological order and identity

As king of Nuhašše

There is a great deal of confusion over the identity of Adad-Nirari as king of Nuhašše and his position in the succession of the Nuhaššite monarchs. The Hittite documents mention two kings of Nuhašše in the first Syrian war; in the Niqmaddu treaty, "Adad-Nirari" is mentioned. In the Hittite-Mitannian treaty, and the treaty between Šuppiluliuma and the Nuhaššite king Tette, "Šarrupši" is mentioned. Most scholars agree that the events mentioned in the Niqqmadu and Shattiwaza treaties depict the events of the first Syrian war. Judging by letter, Adad-Nirari was the king during the first Syrian war. However, the treaty with Tette makes it clear that Šarrupši was the king when Šuppiluliuma attacked Išuwa, an event which started the first Syrian war as the Shattiwaza treaty shows. Many scholars dealt with the problem and offered different and contradictory opinions:
The inventories of Qatna mentions a king named Adad-Nirari; Michael Astour suggested identifying the Qatanite king with the Nuhaššite monarch and was followed by Richter, who believes that Adad-Nirari ruled Qatna through a šakkanakku called Lullu mentioned in the Qatanite inventories. The hypothesis of Richter presents Adad-Nirari of Nuhašše as the ruler of a vast state, the second Syrian power after Mitanni, who was removed by the Hittites and had his kingdom split into three parts: Nuhašše itself, Qatna and Ugulzat.
The Shattiwaza treaty clearly mentioned Qatna as a different realm from Nuhašše during the first Syrian war; If Qatna was part of the Nuhaššite kingdom, its submission to the Hittites would not have been mentioned separately. Freu rejected Richter's hypothesis; citing different arguments, he concluded that Adad-Nirari of Nuhašše was a contemporary of Idadnda of Qatna, a successor of the Qatanite Adad-Nirari.
