Academia de Dibujo y Pintura

The Academia de Dibujo y Pintura was an institution for artistic instruction in Manila, Philippines founded in 1821 by Damian Domingo with the support of the Real Sociedad Economica Filipina de los Amigos del Pais. The Academia closed in 1834 but re-opened in 1845 with funds bequeathed by Queen Isabela II. In 1891, the Academia would become known as the Escuela Superior de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado. While the Academia de Dibujo y Pintura refers distinctly to the institution established in 1821 and re-established in 1845 under the benefaction of the Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais, it is officially considered to be the forerunner of the School of Fine Arts which is the present-day College of Fine Arts of the University of the Philippines.


The possibility of creating a painting school in the Philippines was an idea that had emerged since the end of the 18th century during the administration of Governor-General Basco y Vargas. This intention to build an art school, however, would not be realized during his term due to the precarious situation of the Spanish Empire which was confronted by civil unrest in the peninsula and in her colonies. His successor, Governor Rafael Mª Aguilar y Ponce de León wrote a letter to the Prince of Peace, Manuel Godoy, explaining the need to create a Hospital, a School for Pilots, an Astronomical Observatory on the Islands and an Academy of Drawing, affirming that "... good taste in the Arts and Crafts would grow and the Indians joining the rules to their facility in all kinds of works, could compete and even exceed the perfection of their works to the best thought and executed in Europe... " Despite earlier attempts to establish an art school, the first known in operation was founded in 1821 by a young Filipino painter, Damián Domingo during a period of inactivity by the Real Sociedad Economica Filipina de los Amigos del Pais. The Manila Sociedad would later build its own art school also named Academia de Dibujo y Pintura but would be unsuccessful and would later move to absorb the one established by Damian Domingo. The Sociedad offered the directorship of the school and a salary to Damian Domingo in 1826.


This Academy is remarkable for being the first Art Academy in the Philippines founded by a mestizo de sangley who would later be described by Filipino propagandists as "Primer Pintor Filipino." this Academy was very prosperous with substantial enrollment to continue in operation for 13 years and was frequented by select students who belonged to the principal families of Manila, as well as some of the children of the Director himself. Carlos Quirino notes how the Governor-General, Mariano Ricafort, taking a tour of the capital in his carriage drawn by four horses and preceded by an attractive escort of twelve lancers on horseback, as was the custom of the time by way of pastime, several times visited the Academy of Don Damian Domingo and personally acquainted himself with the progress the students. The Academy offered complete courses in drawing and in painting in watercolor and in oil, as well as the necessary lessons and practice in the preparation of colors and canvas.

Notable alumni and faculty

This list of notable alumni and faculty only includes those who were members of the academy in the 19th Century before the Academia Dibujo y Pintura before it became the institution that was absorbed by the University of the Philippines through legislation by the Philippine National Assembly under the American colonial administration.