Abdallah ibn Buluggin

Abdallah ibn Buluggin, full name:ʿAbd Allāh ben Buluggīn ben Bādīs ben Ḥabūs ben Zīrī, also known as "Al-Muzaffar", was the grandson of Badis ben Habus and the last Zirid ruler of the Taifa of Granada.


When his grandfather died in 1073, the territory of the Zirids in al-Andalus was divided between Abdullah and his brother Tamim. Although he was younger than Tamim, in 1064 Abdallah had been named the successor of Badis ibn Habus, who preferred him to his own son, Maksan,.

His memoirs

During his exile in Aghmat, Abdullah ibn Buluggin wrote his memoirs and the history of the Zirids in Granada. It is called Al-Tibyan an al-haditha al-kaina bi-dawlat Bani Ziri fi Gharnata.