The main product of the company is abas ERP, an ERP system for SME. abas Business Suite includes the products abas ERP for production, abas Distribution for wholesale, distribution and service companies, and the eBusiness solution abas eB. The functionality includes purchasing and sales, production, materials management and financial accounting and much more. The system is used in mechanical and plant engineering, in the automotive industry and in trade and service companies. The system uses a Unicodecharacter set to enable worldwide use and is operated in 28 languages.
Software Architecture
The Software uses a tiered software architecture. The foundation is an object-oriented database. The application tier is based on the database and contains the main functions. The presentation tier, or "Flexible User Interface ", comprises the third and final tier, which interfaces with the user. The "Individual User Interface", the "Standard Flexible User Interface" and the "abas Tools" belong to the presentation tier.
OS basis
, other UNIX derivates and Windows are available as server operating systems. Windows or Linux is used on the workstations.
ABAS Business Suite is based on its own object-oriented database. The log structure offers usual database features such as online backup, rollback and copying in running operation can be easily implemented. The following APIs are possible for the database access: a Java-based framework, a simple proprietary 4GL language, APIs in C, C++, C#, VB, VBA as well as the standard interfaces ODBC and SQL.
Individual adjustments
Individual fields and tables can be added to the standard software on database level. Existing or individual screens can be adjusted and layouts can be designed using a graphical screen editor. On the event level, the business logic and dialog control can be adjusted or configured using event handlers. These can be optionally implemented in FO or Java. These adjustments remain during upgrades if the programming has been clean. Since 2008 Groovy is also being supported. FO programs can be written using the structogram editor EasyCODE, for example. The Java-based implementation is supported by an AJO workbench, which is integrated into the Eclipse development environment.
Web interface
A business portal, based on Liferay, is integrated into abas ERP using which the database can be accessed via portlets. With the additional product abas eB, applications such as a webshop, a product catalog, the connection of the external sales force and a browser interface for abas ERP can be realized. SOAP services are available to exchange data with other business software.
abas is released together with the open source product JasperReports. Direct print of documents is thus possible, but also the generation of reports in various file formats. An open interface makes it possible to integrate additional reporting systems by third-party providers.
HTML help is available for users, administrators and developers and the various Java interfaces are documented in the common Javadoc format.
Mobile solutions
Mobile solutions with smartphones or tablets have become the standard as mobility plays an even bigger role in living and working environments. Apps for iPad, iPhone, Android and other devices have become more than just a trend, they can be a decisive competitive edge for companies. Users can also have mobile access to their company data, using abas. Mobile Sales The abas Mobile Sales solution allows to access customer and prospect data, as well as manage abas sales and CRM processes. Users can search for customers in their current vicinity, connect to mobile email clients, and access, edit or create quotes, orders, invoices, tasks and notes in abas. Mobile Service With Mobile Service, service engineers can access assignment planning through a calendar function. Customer data and service product information, including BOM, service history, service orders, and material planning can be managed. Remote materials management and service reports increase efficiency in the field. Mobile Purchase Strategically managing vendor relations requires a great deal of information. The most recent mobile solution allows employees in purchasing to access and edit vendor data using any smart device. The complete procurement management is also supported.
User Group
There is a customer sponsored user group active on LinkedIn. 215 Members as of 01/02/19.
Company News
Abas was sold to Forterro in 2019. Forterro is based in Austin, TX.