Aati Rahengi Baharein

Aati Rahengi Baharein is an Indian television drama series that aired on Zee TV channel on 9 September 2002. The story focused on the concept of unselfish friendship and emotional bonding between friends who are from different social backgrounds.


The story revolves around the life of Dr. Amar Sanghani, who is the son of a businessman who owns a garment shop. While the father is proud of his son’s achievements, the mother influenced by her brother feels that a businessman’s son should become a businessman uncaring for her son’s prestigious degree. Besides focusing on Amar, the series also about Amar's two best friends', Paddy and Milind, with whom he shares a close bond since childhood despite them belonging to different stratas of society. Amar's life takes an unfortunate turn when he finds out that he is suffering from a deadly disease which is incurable. Amar then takes a decision and cutting out everyone he cares and love from his life, so when he leaves no one would miss him.
