A Profecia

A Profecia is the second studio album by hip hop group Bonde da Stronda released in 2011 by the label "Galerão Records" and distributed by Radar Records. Were released as singles tracks "A Profecia", "Tudo pra mim" and "O Bagulho é muito Louco" in order to promote the album. The release date for the CD has been rescheduled several times until then be released on 2 December 2011.

Track listing


2011"Tudo pra Mim"
  • Release date: 8 February 2011
  • Featuring: Babí Hainni
  • Production: Galerão Filmes
  • Director: Ralph Richter/Tiago Cortezi
2011"Esbórnia e Álcool"
  • Release date: 25 October 2011
  • Production: Galerão Filmes
  • Director: Tiago Cortezi