ADM Capital Foundation

The ADM Capital Foundation is a philanthropic foundation established in 2006 by investment manager ADM Capital. It works to address environmental and social challenges across Asia. It is a 501 organization and has been granted tax exempt status under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Government Inland Revenue Ordinance.



Around 2006, ADM Capital were approached by M’Lop Tapang, a Cambodian organization working with children who were looking to secure funding for a permanent home. This led to the creation of the foundation who then purchased the land and built the home.

Focus Areas

ADMCF has identified environmental challenges and works towards solutions across five key areas:
They have a legacy program that works with children at risk.

The Approach

ADMCF initiates and incubates initiatives to fill gaps where challenges are not being addressed. It supports organizations by providing them with strategic advice, strengthening their organizational capacity and expanding their networks. They promote alliances among not-for-profits, universities and government to make sure funding is used appropriately to minimise waste. They undertake research to identify challenges and come up with solutions. They also assist organizations looking to make strategic philanthropic investment.


ADMCF is a partner with ADM Capital, UN Environment, ICRAF and BNP Paribas in creating the Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility for Indonesia. The Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility is a loan fund and a grant fund that aims to support projects and companies in Indonesia that stimulate green growth and rural jobs. It won the 2018 Triple A Asset Award in the category of "Sustainable Finance."