Aïn Azel

The commune of Aïn Azel is fifty kilometres south of Sétif in Algeria, and is at the frontier between Sétif Province and Batna Province. The population of Aïn Azel is estimated to be around 37,970 people.

Origin of the name

The name "Aïn Azel" may come from the Berber "Azzel" which means "he who runs" or Azel which means "precious". This name, together with the Arabic word Aïn may therefore mean "the fountain that runs" or "the precious fountain". The town was known as Ampère between 1895 and 1962.
Aïn Azel was the site of a mining catastrophe on June 2, 1990, which resulted in the death of approximately twenty workers when a zinc and lead mine was flooded.


Latitude: 35°82 north

Longitude: 5°51 east

Altitude: 935 metres
Aïn Azel is virtually surrounded by mountains: